Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Education Online - Class
When you hear about child trafficking – does it seem like it is happening somewhere else?

Human trafficking is an unrealized crime, happening every day! Everywhere!
The United States is one of the top 3 countries in child sex trafficking
It is here – every state is dealing with childhood trafficking!
Did you realize kids 8 and 9 years old are targeted by traffickers?
These kids are our kids!
They play in our parks, they go to our schools, and they live in our communities!
Children are targeted in their own homes through on-line games, chats and social media

Parents, Teachers , Administrators, and School Employees
Human Trafficking Awareness Education
There are training Mandates Child Sex-Trafficking Awareness Education for Teachers and school personal AND Students
Schools play an important role in promoting student health and well-being — an essential step in preventing, identifying and addressing trafficking of minors.

To start you on-line course for:
Parents, Teachers, Administrators and all School Employees
Will Human Trafficking Education Make a difference?
Education increases Awareness
Awareness increases advocacy
Advocacy increases reporting
Reporting helps STOP Child Trafficking
Trafficking Awareness Education courses available for you and your team
Courses tailored to each business individually
Hospitality - (Hotels, motels, Casinos bed and breakfast, resorts)
Vacation Rentals - (VRBO, Airbnb, Short term and long term rentals)
Private drivers - Limo, Taxi, Uber, Lyft
Transportation - (Bus Stations, Train Stations, Airports, Shuttle services)
Private Drivers -(Chauffeurs, Limos, Taxis, Uber, Lyft, Shuttle Buses)
Educators - Teacher, administrators and school employees
Parents - Foster Parents and Grandparents - and those interested in helping stop child trafficking
Are you aware of the mandates and penalties?
Is your company or organization in compliance?
Is your staff and property protected?
For Employees at Hotels, Casinos, Airports, Bus Stations, Train Stations and Vacation Rentals
Select one of the images below to find out more about each individual on-line course.

Dr. Judy - Sex Trafficking Awareness Facilitator and Trainer
Education - Early Childhood Specialist, K-12 degree - - Doctorate: Social Justice and Educational Leadership for Change
Research specialization - Childhood Trauma
Recognized in California as a Statewide Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Sex Trafficking Awareness Facilitator and Trainer and course creator
On-line course developer Human Trafficking Awareness Education
Take these simple steps to begin...
Easy, convenient and quick way to get into compliance:
All your employees take the same course, have the same certification
Courses can be taken on a computer, iPad or phone
Employees can become in compliance in less than an hour
Participants and employers will both receive a certificate of completion
Purchasing options are designed to work with few or many - depending how many employees you have
Record keeping and data made easy to keep track of employees compliance status
All employees can be training in a matter of hours!
Protect yourself, your staff and employees and your school and property.
Act now to avoid the stiff penalties when employees are not training and your business is not in compliance.
Key mandated topics offered in each course
The following topics are included in this training:
- The definition of human trafficking and commercial exploitation for children and the difference between labor and sex trafficking
- Identifying victims and those at risk. Who are vulnerable and at-risk to this? How do I spot the indicators and warning signs?
- Myths and misconceptions of sex trafficking
- Identifying the demands and risks of trafficking. Factors that allow trafficking to thrive
- The role of hospitality employees in reporting and responding to this issue
- Identifying what can we do? Including resource and contact information of appropriate agencies and resources for immediate use.
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Online - Class
Hospitality Human Trafficking Awareness Education
- Vacation Rentals
- Hotels
- Motels
- Bed and Breakfasts
- Inns
- Resorts
- Casinos
Press individuals pictures to find out more about each course.
Transportation Human Trafficking Awareness Education
- Airport Employees
- Train Stations
- Bus Stations
- Shuttle Buses
- Private Drivers
- Lyft
- Uber
- Taxis
- Limos
Press individuals pictures below to find out more about each individual course and purchase opportunities.

Uber, Lyft, Limo and Taxi Drivers
Also, you can email at: